El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron - PRE-OWNED - Xbox 360

SynopsisLong ago, when mankind was taking its first breaths, God put forth his plans for the human race. To keep them protected, He appointed the most human of all angels, the Grigori, to watch over them from heaven. Known to some as "The Watchers," the Grigori obeyed God's wishes and kept a watchful eye on the humans. But as the years passed, these vigilant angels became captivated by the lives humans led, full of freedom, passion and privilege. This fascination soon grew into obsessive feelings of longing, desire and lust, and on one fateful day, the Grigori turned away from God and descended to Earth. Heaven's highest order, the Council of Elders, became infuriated when they learned of the betrayal. The Council's rage enflamed when they discovered that the fallen angels had taken in the daughters of men, deviating mankind from God's plan. To set matters right, the Council decided to send a horrific flood to annihilate the entire human race. One man objected to this decision ? Enoch, a righteous scribe whose passion persuaded God to bring him to Heaven while still mortal. The Council heard Enoch's pleas and agreed to spare mankind on the one condition ? Enoch must capture the fallen angels and bring them back to Heaven to be imprisoned. Upon his return to Earth, Enoch meets Azazel, one of the seven fallen angels. Azazel refuses to return to Heaven; instead, he goes into hiding with the other angels and warns Enoch not to follow. Enoch does not heed the fallen angel's advice and the journey begins. El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron thrusts you into the role of Enoch as he returns to Earth to prevent the impending flood. Play the game at your own pace and enjoy deep, thrilling action with the easy-to-use three-button control system as you experience unique gameplay that blends a variety of styles, including 2D side-scrolling action and 3D exploration. Wield powerful weapons handed down from Heaven to battle your opponents as you make your way through stunning landscapes. Use the Arch, a holy blade with the power to slice through anything in its path, on your trek to capture the fallen Grigori. Enjoy cinematic cut scenes and a full-orchestral musical score that is sure to pull you in and enhance the gaming experience. Keep your eyes on what matters most during your voyage with the Zero HUD Player Feedback System, which uses dynamic environment, character and audio clues to engage you without cluttering your screen with too many distractions. The hunt is on ? track down the fallen angels and bring them back to meet their maker.